Cubeb pepper: medicinal herb of the year 2016

Cubeb pepper as a spice
Cubeb pepper as a spice

The cubeb pepper is a climbing plant that was originally native to Indonesia. Peppers are sold in Europe as dried brown-black fruits. They can be chewed or ground.

As a spice Cubeb pepper adds a mild and refreshing note to food. In TCM nutritional theory (5 elements of nutrition), it is classified as a cooling metal like peppermint.

As a medicinal herb According to traditional medicine, it is used for inflammatory and bacterial diseases of the urinary tract and as an expectorant for chronic bronchitis. [1]

As an incense plant cubeb pepper is often mixed with star anise or cinnamon bark. [2]

I myself have been using cubeb pepper for about 4 years, mainly to strengthen the lung meridian. In my experience, caution should be exercised when dosing. Otherwise you will have the feeling of having large amounts of peppermint oil in your mouth when eating. This provides a very strong refreshing sensation, which can massively impair the taste of the food if the dose is too high.

Mix the seasoning with [3]:

  • 2 grains of cubeb pepper
  • 10 grains of black pepper
  • Some coarse sea salt

I consider this to be a good relationship. But I would have to try it out for myself.



  1. 2016 NHV Theophrastus: “Medicinal herb of the year 2016: Cubeb pepper“, retrieved on 9.2.2016
  2. fionas-wege: “Incense“, retrieved on 9.2.2016
  3. 2016 SRF: “Cubeb pepper – medicinal plant 2016“, retrieved on 9.2.2016
