Summer lectures

Summer lectures

In July 2018, the TCM Altstadt, Brugg, will be hosting lectures for the first time on Tuesdays on topics from the traditional Chinese sciences (TCW) will take place.

  • Time: Tuesdays 18:30
  • Location: TCM Altstadt, Hauptstrasse 28, 5200 Brugg

Lecture topics:

  • July 10: Introduction to Traditional Chinese Sciences (TCW)
  • July 17: Yin-Yang and the phases of change (elements)
  • July 24: What is Qi?


Monika Ernst, certif. Feng Shui Consultant, Koblenz

TCM Old Town:

Kuo Cheng-hui
Main street 28
5200 Brugg
Tel: 056 534 1398